April 8th, 2018. After months of intensive work, RealOpInsight Team is excited and pleased to announce a new major release of RealOpInsight Ultimate. This release, version 2018r1_beta1 and named Galacia, is announced in beta mode for new features and should not suffer from any regressions regarding previous features.
This is a major shift in our product portfolio.
As you can find in the improvement list below, RealOpInsight Ultimate now includes a built-in Web Editor. This was a recurrent request from users to further improve user experience. The consequence of this enhancement is that, RealOpInsight Workstation becomes less relevant. Hence we’ve decided to abandon it. This means that no further updates nor bug fixes are expected to be published, but all the releases published previously will be left available for downloads through our SourceForge archives.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of improvements brought by this release:
- New concentric map layout
This is now the default map layout as alternative to the existing tree-based layout. This new layout comes to provide a more compact and efficient representation for large service trees. It’s possible to swicth back to the traditional tree-based layout through configuration settings.
- Advanced Database Backend (PostgreSQL)
As alternative to SQLite3 database backend, RealOpInsight Ultimate now supports PostgreSQL database. PostgreSQL provides a higher performance and more robutness than the traditional SQLite3 backend.
- Compact (non-expanded) representation of external service dependencies
External service nodes are no longer expanded in the dashboard (neither in the tree, nor on the map), instead each external service node is now handled as an external reference whose the status of the associated external service is updated internally by RealOpInsight Collectord <bireport_and_sla>.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed issue #1 when Collectord fail to add QoS entry. This is related to SQLite3 database backend that doesn’t effectively handle concurrent accesses to the database. Need to use an advanced database backend as PostgreSQL currently supported.
- Fixed issue #8 when the web portal keeps as loading while an internal error occurred (e.g. due to database connection failure). A message is now displayed in the browser.
- Fixed issue #9 when the show only issues check box won’t work.
- Miscellaneous
Like for most of software, there were also a huge amount of ungrateful work on internal code and algorithms that make the software better but are not perceptible for end-users. We want thank all our developers for their efforts.
We finally want to thank our users (and especially to Jan from Slovakia) for their feedback, and hope that this new release will make your monitoring life ever better.